
Return to Greyhawk

It seems Wizards of the Coast is returning to the classic Greyhawk setting as it resets / updates / revisits the 5e rules later this year. quotes Game Informer, the gist being the 2024 Dungeon Master’s Guide will:

…use Greyhawk as an example as to how Dungeon Masters can build their own campaign world.

There are some specifics:

A two-sided poster map of Greyhawk, featuring both the Greyhawk campaign setting (assumably a map of Oerth) and the City of Greyhawk will also be included in the Dungeon Master’s Guide.

So, what is Greyhawk?

Original Darlene Greyhawk hex map updated by Zach Henderson

Back in the day (when the game was new), the Gary Gygax game world was based (generally) in and around the World of Greyhawk and various cities (including the City of Greyhawk). You can read (a lot) more about the setting in various locations, including this one (chosen pretty much at random). Some classic dungeons were set there, and Wizards have brought the location into play in its upcoming Vecna adventure. [Greyhawk is on Oerth btw]

I played a lot in the early 80s, before there was much in the way of any campaign setting easily available to a penniless student in the UK, and since my tastes have run to the Sword Coast setting. My current set of collected one-shots are notionally based there, as an example.

Is this a good idea? Not sure, but it will at least generate discussion amongst the elements of fandom caring about such. Will it make me more inclined to invest in the new books later this year? Did I mention penniless?!

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