Sweet Shop — bundling analogy

Will bundling be the trend in 2024 — my thoughts on CultBox

I compare the current spoiled for expensive choice streaming market by comparing it an array of sweets in my article on bundling for CultBox: Bundling — the trend to watch in 2024? I’ve been meaning to cover this for some while, and also wanted a chance to use the sweet shop analogy (metaphor?). I cover a lot of recent news, more came up as I … Continue reading Will bundling be the trend in 2024 — my thoughts on CultBox

Disney Plus October 2023

Disney Plus gets dearer from November — here’s what to do

Everything is getting dearer (OK, not everything). Netflix just got dearer, now it’s the turn of Disney+. As of November 1, 2023, Disney+ gets dearer, with rises approaching 40%, far more even than Netflix. Now’s the time to start taking stock, perhaps even downscaling (or dropping) some subscriptions or making sure you share within households as fully as you can. In the Uk the highly … Continue reading Disney Plus gets dearer from November — here’s what to do

BARB subscription data

Parmount+ makes its presence felt in the UK

BARB (the Broadcasters’ Audience Research Board) has released its Q2 2023 Establishment Survey data. Specifically, the article focuses on UK streaming (SVOD) and for the first time, Paramount+ crosses the 5% threshold and appears as a separate item. While the numbers are interesting, it’s worth caveating — the accuracy is not 100%, so minor variations may not have any real statistical significance. That said, here’s … Continue reading Parmount+ makes its presence felt in the UK

BARB Q1 2023

UK streaming market shrank a little in Q1 2023

BARB (Broadcasters’ Audience Research Board) has released some data from its Q1 2023 Establishment Survey, showing a 1.7% decrease in the number of UK subscriptions to streaming services. The summary has no discussion of factors, so it might be seasonal adjustment or the economy. The data also shows some churn between streamers: Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and Disney+ saw small quarterly drops in the number … Continue reading UK streaming market shrank a little in Q1 2023