the acolyte witches

Is the Acolyte cancelled (yet)?

Another week, another episode for Star Wars: Acolyte and another pass from me. I didn’t finish episode 2, and have not reconsidered. Meanwhile, at least in terms of Rotten Tomatoes, the ratings are collapsing. As I write, the score is 84% critics and a dire 16% audience. The latter is from over 10,000 ratings, so not just a few groups of haters.

Until we get some audience numbers (ignoring the first few days), this led me to wonder if they show would make it as far as season 2. That led me to the murky, world of fandom from the simple question…

Has the Acolyte been cancelled?

I don’t have previous Star Wars rumours to compare, but the amount of noise from a google search is ferocious. There was a wave of rumour during filming. Trying to read past that, there are various interpreted comments from the production team, lack of confirmation of renewal and a general sense of unease.

This looks like vicious spiral territory to me. People are unsure about the quality. Rumours well over cancellation. People on the fence stop watching. Numbers fall off a cliff. Show gets cancelled.

I tend to follow Cancelled SciFi for early warning of poor performance. Nothing there. Yet.

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