Red Dwarf

Smegheads rejoice! Red Dwarf comes to iPlayer

After too long away, Red Dwarf comes to BBC iPlayer today (June 20) and includes all the shows from the Dave revival as well!

The BBC article documents the show’s absence:

Lister, Rimmer, Cat, and Kryten are coming home, as beloved sci-fi sitcom Red Dwarf returns to the BBC on iPlayer. Every episode of the show’s classic run on the BBC is now available on iPlayer, as well as the acclaimed revived series including the recent feature length special ‘The Promised Land’, which originally aired on Dave.

Red Dwarf hasn’t been on the BBC since 2007, and the revived series has never been shown on the BBC before.

There’s even a potted history of the show, which stars Chris Barrie, Craig Charles, Danny John-Jules, Robert Llewellyn and more. If you’ve never seen it, it’s a must watch. Go on, what are you waiting for?!

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