Sanditon series 3

Sanditon series 3 (US) date

Sanditon series 3 (or season 3 in the US) comes to PBS on March 19. I expect a similar date for Britbox (am I the only person confused by Britbox / ITVX both existing?) so a linear TV date (ie ITV) 3-6 months out. Let’s assume September, once August is gone.

The PBS link above confirms the cast: returning characters Charlotte Heywood (Rose Williams), Georgiana Lambe (Crystal Clarke), Alexander Colbourne (Ben Lloyd-Hughes), Tom Parker (Kris Marshall), Mary Parker (Kate Ashfield), Lady Denham (Anne Reid), Edward Denham (Jack Fox), Arthur Parker (Turlough Convery), Lady Susan (Sophie Winkleman), Ralph Starling (Cai Brigden) and many other beloved residents of the seaside resort town.

The biggest news is the return of Sophie Winlkleman’s Lady Susan from series 1 — my thought is she will be the one to put the pieces of Charlotte’s life back together before she (Charlotte) marries Ralph Starling. I shall have several months of spoiler avoiding!

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